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Since October 2007

Nov 23, 2007

Family at Thanksgiving

M&M's Bro & SIL, niece with spouse and little one too.Tons of pics and only one (incomplete) family foto! Regardless, these are the KS in-laws. We visit them often and are always so thankful they allow us to overstay our welcome!

M&M's other niece (with spouse and friend). M&M's Sis (nice close-up). ...and her hubby.

Turkey and napping go together like bread and butter (just like these two once did). This is Papa Wahalla and M&M's brothers and sister's mama.SIL even got a gift - a cow patty! How thoughtful :) Had to post this one - it's our little "Chris Crinkle"; this is his new grin, as of today, 11/23/07. How adorable! And, finally - happy Grandpa, happy baby.

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Nov 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #9

Travel'n in style....

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Anybody miss me? I sure miss you guys. Think I'm going thru withdrawals. We’re on our Thanksgiving vacation visiting the Wahalla family in the Midwest (where it's snowing)! What a blast so far. Will report in again when the trip has (sadly) ended with fotos.

Thanks for your visit and happy holidays!

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Nov 17, 2007

I Love to Give but Receiving is Sometimes Welcome

In this case, I received a gift, after giving one, and I cried. I actually sat here at my box and tears were coming out of my eyes (hormones? nah. it's who i am). My blogging mom (and her critters) from the sphere say I make them smile. I can't hardly believe it. I have succeeded in my goal and spread'n the love couldn't be a nicer experience! Please give a warm round of applause to Scrungy and Friends for having such big hearts -- check out my present:

Thanks ma! (I'll be giving this away soon, so stay-tuned to see if you're the lucky recipient!)

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Nov 15, 2007

Dogs on Thursday (scroll down to see TT)

Look, our little girl is featured today @ Dog's on Thursday - woohoo! Here, you too can see the post: Doggie Spotlight-Baci.

I'm so honored, and I can't wait to tell my little wrinkly one, and her daddy too. I think Paula and Elise are the greatest.

In case you haven't gotten enough of her, here's another one for your viewing pleasure. Isn't she grand? Happy DOT all! (And to Susie, the breeder @ ShenaniGans Shar-Pei who sold her to me, thanks to you as well!)

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Electronic Toys (scroll down for TT)

Can't help but get sucked into the new gadgets of the month, year, century...anybody else with me? Absolutely no interest in getting an iPod, for example, but then all of a sudden, as soon as my mouth speaks or my fingers type the words: disinterest, suddenly, there it is waving around in front of me like some virtual red-flag reality.

First, I get online to look for my next new phone. (Proudly, I waited 2 1/2 years for this.) The latest and greatest, of course, don't just have the MP3s, nothing new, but digital radio too, e.g., XM! So, for the workout, my question becomes this: Do I buy yet another MP3, do I look into the iPods, or do I pay an extra ten bucks for monthly airtime with my new phone? *Hmmmf*

Theeeen, a couple days later I read that my friend got the latest iPod -- here, she talks about having the same disinterest, but now there it is; it lands right in her lap. (Here she writes about it: My iPod). Note: I gave her the witty award recently. You should click on the purple link there and check out how cute she can see it in her writing, hence, witty. She is a hand-bag designer. They're unique, affordable, fun...You mommies would get a kick out of her diaper clutches, etc.

But, I digress.

After these instances occurred, I still really thought nothing of it. Until today. Once again, Chris @ Self Improvement Journal pinged me letting me know, yes, you guessed it, that he is giving away an iPod Shuffle or Nano! Cheap Web Hosting Dedicated is sponsoring the contest. Therein, lies the red flag!

Is it a sign or merely a temptation? You tell me.

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Nov 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen Post #6

Thirteen Things That Are Different About Men and Women That Really Irk Me

1. The first (and most obvious to me) is that time of the month. It's just wrong on so many painful, cramping, frustrating, irritating levels.

2. Makeup. Need I say more? What gives? Albeit some men do wear it, not many, so they don't count.

3. Menopause. I have to say I know many who go thru manopause, but we all know it's not the same. Moodiness may occur on a bad day and maybe a bit of sensitivity, but what about hot flashes and night sweats? I don't think so!

4. Heals. You ladies know of a man who has ever had to endure heals? No. Absolutely not...unless he was dressing up for Halloween. And on that very day, he might have had some small inkling of what aching, swollen, in-grown toe nails and bad backs are all about.

5. Panty hose. Why? Who invented these? I think I'll look into that.

6. Curling irons and/or any other form of hair-fixers. You got a man who uses one of these, let me know.

7. PMS. This is a stand-alone, which is why I didn't couple it with menopause (or even pre-menopause or being a get the idea). It doesn't need a mate. It is lethal all by itself.

8. Bloat. As I type, I'm looking down at my belly, and I can feel my thighs rubbing together. I'm angry. All women who possess this uncontrollable disease should be.

9. Giving birth. (You can tell I'm not a mother, 'cause this is so far down on my list!) Going thru labor in itself is all I have to say. You know that women have a pain threshold 9 times higher than men, don't you?

10. Hormones. I understand men have these too, but if their testosterone is high, they get a high five. If our testosterone, estrogen or progesterone levels are high, we are called a bitch (there goes my rating again).

11. Manicure & pedicures. How much money and effort do you think we spend on polish and/or the services of a good nail person? *scratching my head* If you know this fact, here's the place to plunk it down.

12. Emotions. Do men, at large, really possess any of these? I know my man does, but he's an odd duck from most angles. I'm luckier than most.

13. Purses. This is two-fold because I'm already at 13. They don't have to carry them and yet theirs would be bigger if they, in fact, did own them. (I think you know what I mean when I say bigger...more money -- Get the joke?)

(Yes, there are more. Why not give me whatcha got. And, if you're a man, you're not allowed to disagree 'cause one of us will slam-dunk your silly, confused butt.)

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Nov 13, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #8

I hope this doesn't affect my "G" rating.

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I've Been Tagged... my buddy blogger, Chris @ Self Improvement Journal. He and others are calling it a chain letter. My momma told me these were bad, however, times have changed -- this is the sphere, ma. Forgive me if I've done you wrong.

Here are the questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?

Five months. Seems like it's been a year. Probably because of the learning curve. I tend to stray and not come back for days. Posting every day due to my wandering spirit just doesn't happen...

2. What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?

When you're a nobody like I am and your dream is to be a published author, having a strong, steady platform built prior to submitting that first, finger-nail-biting proposal to a publisher or finding an agent is very helpful. I learned this after miraculously stumbling across a website that's changed my entire perspective on writing my memoir. Anybody interested in writing, any genre, should hop on over there and take a look. Learn The Nonfiction Book Publication Process With Mommas Jenna and Lauri and Poppa Frank is where I read all about the process. There's a sea of helpful information and other word-lovers like me (published and not published) who are ready and willing to critique and give advice, and well...lead the way. Some even turn into helpful pals and even confidants, like Polly @ Recovery Rennaissance. The bloggers who have inspired and/or mentored me in the blogosphere are Kim and Chris @ byKimLane DESIGNS and Self Improvement Journal, respectively.

3. Are you trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?

Right now I'm dabbling in obtaining the dollar, but really don't have time. I will get to that when I've accomplished placing enough sentences on the pages of my book. And, even then, I want to be a freelance writer. Albeit, maybe I will freelance thru blogging...*sigh* So many choices, so little time. (I almost can't say I'm 40 anymore).

4. What 3 things do you love about being online?

a) I get to know other people and what's going on in their worlds, quietly & peacefully, in my underwear;
b) I absolutely am obsessed with research. Everything anybody could ever want to learn is online, as long as deciphering the difference b/w good & evil is incorporated; and,
c) The opportunity it brings to those who opt not step out into the crazy society of the 21st century.

5. What 3 things do you struggle with online?

a) Right now -- the lingo, the terminology, but I'm learning;
b) My computer. I believe even the smart freaks who created these boxes knew exactly what they were doing when they began selling them to non-IT geeks like me. I know some, but it's never enough. No matter what, they will crash. No matter what, somebody else is getting paid to work on these devices. It's E-commerce, greed, wealth and political mumbo jumbo, and it drives me psycho mad; and,
c) Getting sucked in, to everything, all day long. I admit. I'm addicted. Couple this with letter "b," and I never get off this thing 'cause of the intermittent issues.

There, I accomplished my goal of yesterday. Sorry, Chris. Better late than never, I always say.

Now, tag, you're it: Lotus, who is a Sarcastic Mom -- if you're reading my blog, you know she makes me and everybody laugh. I'm sure she can take this Q&A session to a new level and Rhonda who says to her 5 kids: Because Mom Said So...That's Why! So, pipe down and listen up! I'm pretty sure she's kin and since she's a hoot as well, being a part of this chain gang becomes all the more pleasurable.

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Nov 12, 2007

The Gift of Giving (I know. I'm a dork.)

Something I love about blogging is the ability of giving to others. The simple act of typing in a comment is a present that is unrapped by the site owner. Without comments (and tracking devices too, I s'pose), how would we know if anybody truly cared? Right. Because I'm a giving soul by nature, it's become a challenge for me to find gifts, free ones, that I can pass along. Others are doing it, so why not follow? (I don't like leading, so this works out well.) Here they are, in no particular order, (and no, I didn't create these, I stole them. So be it. I'll wip up my own concoctions on another late night).

To my new memoirist buddy, Polly. Smartest chick on the block (and giving too). She's got more degrees than most, her own business, and is writing her memoir to boot! Go take a look here, Recovery Reconnaissance, you'll be glad you did. (Oh, and why not tell her I sent you!)

Because I love my new job as a blogger, researcher and writer, I give big kudos to this mom. This is the 3rd post I've mentioned her in, so you know I'm thrilled about her spread'n the love! She's a Working At Home Mom - Making Money At Home and her blog really rules!
I can't even tell you how funny you are, my fellow blogger, Lotus. What a riot! I am now sending posts from your site to my man so he can laugh along with me. If you haven't stopped by her place, you must. Here's her address: Sarcastic Mom. You rock, so I bequeath the following:
Oh my gosh, Dorothy! When I feel the stress coming out of my legs and arms (fatigue, that is), and I want to scream due to environmental, mental, physical and/or emotional issues, I head on over to check on Scrungy & Friends. The ticking of the grandfather clock in itself gives me peace and tranquility. I feel like I'm at my grandma's house! You're just plain awesome, my dear, and your stories are so nice!To my long-distance friend of 15 some odd years who helped me learn how to function in the blogosphere. She makes and sells handbags here: byKimLane DESIGNS. I hereby give to you, madame, the following:

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Yippee, I'm G-Rated!

As some of you may have read before, I'm looking into getting paid to blog. Thanks to Working at Home Mom - Making Money at Home, I'm having blast in the process!

Tonight, I found this fun thingy majigger. I put in my blog address and this is what came back - what fun, and I say "G" for Good news.

free dating sites

Phoenix Dating

So continue perusing my site...Guilt free.

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The Lost Boy

It's still difficult for me to swallow that M&M's son (and his fiance too) were in our home last night. After five years (give or take a month or two), a relationship that had faltered has been rebuilt and with a foundation that I believe is finally solid.

The separation of two people can be healthy; however, most of the time (especially if there are children involved), it can be hazardous and hurtful to all due to miscommunications gone awry. Miscommunications that turn into other harmful factors such as duplicity, jealousy, negative deductions, anger, hate -- and so much more. Each family member is affected; it's not about blame, it's about perspective and the ability or inability to cope with the break-up of a home that no longer will be.

Looking back, I remember vividly what my man, this father, experienced. There were lots of tears and even a display of depression that he had never known. The word distraught is not big enough to describe what encompassed his entire world. His memories repetitively regressed to the pitter patter of tiny feet, big hugs, wrestling matches and other special moments that he shared with his son. He held these memoirs close to his heart, because it was all he had. Now his lost boy has returned, and I for one am so grateful that our prayers have been answered.

We welcome you into our life with open arms and are ready, as you are, to forget the past. It's time to progress forward -- onward and upward; love only and without fear.

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Nov 8, 2007

Dogs on Thursday and A Gift Too

Here's to Paula and Elise, the creators of Dogs on Thursday. I participated in their Doggie Costume Parade (where you'll see my girl in the T & jeans outfit as well as her adorable strawberry attire), and I didn't have to do a thing! She found my little pooch (here on my blog, that is) and posted her foto as well! And theeeen, about a week later, we came home to find yet another treat waiting for us in the mailbox *jumping for joy*! Paula and Elise, you're the best. Baci enjoyed her toy and the goodies too. I, as mom, loved watching her bounce around with her ball (didn't get shots of this though) and savor every morsel in her trick-or-treat goodie bag :) The greeting card was an added special touch and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank you for spreading the love and for sharing your big heart. Here's your button -- It's my first creation, so forgive me for the flaws!

Now, as it is Thursday, here's my dog -- in the process of a sneeze:

Here I am only 4 months old hang'n out with the folks...

Oh dear. Such an exhilirating sensation.

Oh my. I think they call this a sneeze!

Huuuu huuuuu huuuuuu!

Ok. Now I'm good. What are you guys look'n at?

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Nov 6, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #7 (Tuesday Edition)

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Nov 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen Post #5

Thirteen Award-Winning :) (unedited) Halloween Fotos I Took W/ My Digital Camera!

1. This one is clearly my fav, and this girl should be on the Tyra's runway! (...Look at the effects in the background from the candles! The candles were on the ground ???!!)

2. I thought this one turned out really spooky and real!

3. Love the mask, but the hand covering up one person and the big mouth on the other makes the foto.

4. How clever -- they should get the part!

5. This looks like an animated picture -- it really turned out neat.

6. Isn't she beautiful?

7. This was her trick. She got a treat -- a whole handful!

8. Sick!

9. Hmmm. Wonder what's in that glass, mom!

10. Isn't he adorable?! He's got muscles at such an early age :)

11. I said, "I want to take your picture," and just like that, he struck a pose! How cute!

12. This little mummy with his sign is just to die for (haha). If you can't read it, it says "Just give me the candy. No questions."

13. This one definitely speaks for itself -- Look at the do!...and from my favorite decade, the 70s!

Please tell me which one's your favorite!!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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