Band memers: Bud - The Band Meme WTIT Style, Linda at Are We There Yet?, Sandee at Comedy Plus , Mimi Lenox at Mimi Writes, Bands That Rock - EDog's Everything Page Bond's Big Leather Couch , Crazy Working Mom , Coffee2Go , Hammer , Julie's Jewels and Junque , Lyn's Last Minute Life , Speedcat Hollydale Page, Knit For Joy , Gill's Jottings, Lee at Tarheel Ramblings, Jamie from Duward Discusssions, Maggie Moo Talks2U, My View Of It, Colin at Life, Work of the Poet, Mauigirl's Meanderings, Lori from Hahn At Home, The Painted Veil, Dixie's Heart and Soul, Anndi's Luggage, Monday Morning Power, Peanut, Peanut Butter Jelly2! , Asara's Mental Meanderings, Mr. Lance Solitary Views, Diary of a Heretic, Kids, Cats, & Books - Nola Dawn, Observations From the Back 40, Late Bloomer Boomer , My Dogs Keep Me Sane - Misty Dawn, Random Autumness, Foxxfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr, Screw Perfection, Olga, The Traveling Bra, Trav's Thoughts, Andrena Getting a Grip on Grace, Everything and NothingBlog-Blond, Lowdown From LoisWriter Cramps, Friday Night Fish Fry, Butchy and Snickers, Foster Me Up, Place Your Code Here Technorati Tags: Tag You’re It, Memes, I have no shame. Though I am a serious talent and should be in Hollywood *giggling with intermittent snorts*, I had to put on my begging shoes to start up a new band. My hard work paid off though, because I'm in. They like me! They really like me! I'm the tall one over there on the left...Note to self: I shall never forget about the little people.
These were the turn of events: Bud Weiser of WTIT Tape Radio: The Blog started all the ruckus by stealing this meme. Great idea, I say, because when I stumbled across it at Sandee's and then later Mimi's place, I too thought of stealing it. Bottom line: I got'r done and so can you. Just follow the simple instructions. Methinks you'd be smart for getting linky love any way you can. Good times. *smackies*
Here we go. You are about to encounter sheer, blushing joy.
1. The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
2. The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3. The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it’s more amusing that way.
I tag the following (with no pressure, but c'mon. this is really a load of thrills!):
...Tell Mimi you've played - she's got the master and will add you.
Mar 7, 2008
The Band Meme (You Have Got. To. Play!)
Labels: Memes
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29 peanuts say:
I already did this one... Here's the link for mine:
Sandee tagged me but I was never added to the master list. I am in the process of creating a real cool meme you will like!
Right on, Ap - On the way over now.
Chuck, Thank you for the nice comments you left on my blog yesterday. It made my day! I really enjoy your blog and I added it to my Technorati Favs. I will be checking back a lot!
Wow, this one has been around awhile Chuck. I'll play along again, but only because it's you. Big hug. :)
Hiya Chuck...
As you and your Band Members are all headless I can only guess where the sounds come from...whether it's musical talent or not I think I will say nothing hahahaha
I have done this one but will add you to it for tagging me :)
The Band Meme
Have a gr888888 day sweety,
*hugs n lovies*
Colin from Life
Ciao cara!
I'v made this meme here
However thanks a million for this tag...
taGe care from Italy!
I am not making any predictions on how many albums you will sell...
Chuck, great Band meme! Here's mine: Band Meme :D
Thanks for the tag Chuck...this looks like way too much fun. I will get it posted soon. HUGS!
Thanks Chuck - your such a great blog friend - thanks for the Link Love!
As you may know from my last post, I'm busy this weekend, but will see what I can do later.
Wishing you a great end to your week :-)
Nicely done...Thanks for stopping by The Couch
Hey, Chuck, thanks for stopping by and visiting my Band Meme! I like yours, it came out very nice - good luck on your tour!
Hi Chuck! Nice to met you! I LOOOOOVED doing this meme! So cool to see all the results...each one is so RIGHT ON! :) And "Disambuguation" is now my new favoritest word!!!
You're meme is great. I like your real picture better, though. Thanks for visiting, and I did my best to get you to 500, at least 2x my own target, and even that's a long shot for me.
You are so freakin' cool girl! Rock on!
It was a fun meme wasn't it? Mine came out a bit odd, but I did enjoy it.
Thanks for hopping over to my place. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for stopping by. The Band Meme was different to say the least. I'm adding you to my daily blogs to visit. You have a great style.
I really like the way yours turned out!!! This was a really fun meme.
You are such a bad rockin' girl. I love your cover and have added it to the master list. I also found a cool way to add my own album cover to the master list heading scroll box. If you'd like one (see my site) with your own CD at the top please let me know. It's really simple.
Thanks for tagging and the link love. You totally.....well....rock.
Right on! I'll play along as soon as I can. You rock, girl!
Dude, I'm so not in your scrolly! What's up with that?? I didn't do the band because I had to define why colorado was the center of the universe just had to do it! :)
Oh geez that is so old that first I didn't know what you were talking about and mixed it up with the "message in a bottle" last thing from Mimi, lol !
It's funny what sometimes comes out with this meme !
i tried doing this one once...i was seriously struck stoooooopid. i could not get it to come together, yes...i am lame like that. BUT i will try again, cuz i heart your blog.
After you left a comment at my home page, I made my way here via your health blog and another with No posts!! Great band cover BTW.
Nice looking page ... did you build the 3 column yourself, or find a template somewhere else? Sharp!
I noticed you have a badge code here, I will be sure to grab it up and add you to my page. Nice to meet you Chuck .... er, Rhonda
ps... did you get a nice X-mas tree this year??? (LOL) Nice to meet you - Speedy
I like this place as well as your "Band" Meme! Thanks for's always cool meeting someone new!
You did an awesome job!
Did it here:
Writing in Faith: Thoughts
Thanks for including me in the fun!
Yours came out really good! This ranks as my favorite of all memes.
Thanks for stopping by mine!
Hmmm ... you must be sleeping in becuz there's no new Monday Meme post yet today. Mine's up ... has been for a while 'cuz ya know I wake early ;--)
Paging down your posts, I realize I missed this one somehow ... noticed you 'tagged' using a 'scrolly box' ...(did ya notice I put my Wordless Wednesday and T-13 Blogrolls in a scrolly box at the bottom of my sidebar recently thanks to your help?)... and becuz I like learning how to do 'gnu' things I just may play with this one during the week and try to post it next Monday ... (or not). It all depends on how busy (and/or distracted) I get with other things ya know. LOL
Hugs and blessings,
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