1. Pink wig
2. Matching pink, leopard eye lashes
3. Rhinestone and black eye-lid jewelry
4. Large, hoop, rhinestone ear rings
5. Large, gaudy, faux diamond rings (both clear and pink)
6. Several bracelets - silver, rhinestones, couple pink
7. Rhinestone and silver necklace shaped like a neck tie
8. Black and white, chunky, stiletto heals
9. Large, wide belt to go with black and white spandex dress
10. Fake tattoos (one for around my arm and the other in chest area)
11. Long nails
12. Nail decoration - flowers and rhinestones
13. Fishnet stockings (actually own these already (don't ask), but I didn't buy anything else.
C'mon now - tell me what I am (and don't use it against me). Note: keep in mind this is a rated G site *wink*
Technorati Tags: Thursday Thirteen,

55 peanuts say:
Um... a lady of the night? ;)
Hello Kitty does Hollywood?
LOL Um, Cher with pink hair haha Happy T13!
Hmmmm I agree with Mama Duck. So are we right??? :)
Happy TT!
I have no clue! Tell me! :)
Bright :-)
I'd say Cher or Britney Spears... otherwise.... I don't know - Gov. Spitzer's "Kristen"?
Will you promise to post a photo of you in that costume?
Pink leopard eyelashes? Let's see 'em on ya!
mine will be up later tonight, i hope you don't mind my premature linking.
i am going to guess you are going as a train wreck...opps i mean Brittney Spears (same thing. all you need is a red bull or a frappaccino and you are SET!
I wanna see pictures!!!
It's gotta be Brit-Brit. But a picture is a must!
the pink is throwing me off...but I can't wait to find out or even better - see a picture!
Have you been playing with your blog template?? Does it look just a tiny bit different or is my mind playing tricks on me??
Hiya, Chuck! Just stopping in to say hello. My guess would be Britney Spears.
At first I was going to guess Frenchy from Grease, but I changed my mind as I read down your list. My next guess is a hooker.
bet you're not old enough to remember that character cher played in leopard skin pants hanging out in the laundromat? It's what comes to mind for some reason - NOT that I remember it at ALL!
The Pink Panther.
A generic gypsy (don't forget your tarot cards)
A clown
Christina Aguilera
A ShapeShifter groupie (what? Your life isn't devoted to me?)
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know...
Have fun.
i'm going to guess a hollywood blvd. transvestite. yep...that's my final answer!
OMG! This is a blast! Thx everybody for playing...I think I'll hold off till the end and let you know. Funny and good guesses though *giggling* Never even thought of some of them. I will tell you only one person guessed it "exactly" right; however, with all the other guesses, I might just have to change my personality a bit - keeping "train wreck" in mind. (After all, the man who helped with my leopard eye lashes mentioned Miss Britney, you see. He looked great in his make-up, too, BTW. I've been considering going back and letting him have a stab at my face.)
p.s. Pam, I mess with this page on a daily basis. I am a visual! You like the post above posts? I sure do. Didn't even know you could do that with Blogger - you can actually create a sticky post!
All you who said you wanted a pic, *ahem* reminder - this is a G-rated site. So, no can do. Maybe will send out individual emails :?
Costume party??? In March?? This, I have to see. Be sure to post some pics:) Happy TT.
Would your costume be the sort of profession who would be entertaining the soon to be ex-governor of NY?
The Pink Flamingo
My boss after he's had a few?
Pink Panther?
I haven't read any of the other answers. I'm going to guess... a Playboy bunny? Pink leopard. Hmmmm. Not sure!
I have no idea but I'm sure it will be hilarious! Happy TT!
my daughter, she think she is a pink diva queen!
I was just reading your google reader note at the top of the page ! I've done that too ! ha.
How did you get that note up there at the top of the page like that ?
I'm not really sure what your costume would be but would it be a leopard? Anyway sounds cute.
I can't wait to see the pictures! Sounds like quite the costume.
Dame Edna?
No idea.
Heeeeeey - so what's your costume of?! You're killin' us!!! :)
You HAVE to post pics!
To me, pink wig means Britney. I see my guess is wrong, so please, end the suspense.
Oh, fun! Whatever it is, I hope you'll post pix!
gheeeh sorry for my late visit just got busy with my school gheeeh i think the above list is not so applicable to me what yah think hehe
lol its all for girls
Ya got me stumped ... but I definitely want to see pictures so you'd better be ready to share after all this build up ;--)
So ... how does one put a 'Sticky Post' up in Blogger? Inquiring minds want to know?
FYI - I mark them all as 'read' as a matter of course these days (because I had thousands of unread posts and it wore me out) but the posts are all still there ... and I periodically pick someone and go down the list quickly from top to bottom using the 'J' key ... stopping when something looks interesting. Of course, folks who don't allow the whole post to show frustrate the heck out of me ... but such is life.
My 16th T-13 is up (composed this morning as always) and so am I ... sipping coffee ... ready to read what others posted yesterday (like you). LOL
Hugs and blessings,
A popsicle that fell on the ground!!!
Yes, post pictures. Miss Piggy?!
A cross between Britney Spears and Angelina Jolie?
Thanks for a fun TT-13 and you MUST post photos.
Thanks for dropping by my TT-13
I was going with Christina Aguilera, myself, but I'm not positive.
I bet you'll look neat, though!
Happy TT!
J. Edgar Hoover?
looking forward to pictures :)
That was seriously too much fun to be had mid-week. Your guesses were outstanding, and though I was afraid I might lose some of my readers, I think it was worth posting.
First clue was when I asked you to tell me what I was going as; second was at the end when I said to tell me what am. That said, the leopard and pink clearly fooled you all to stear towards a particular individual. So, Mama Duck was correct right out of the gate *giggling* Name of party has letters "H" and "O" side by side (if ya get my drift). I only did the pink & leopard 'cause the purchase was made with the intent to be a bit trashy - that's all.
The sticky post I discovered by accident when I inadvertently carried a page element in the layout over from one column to another and it landed right above and below the posts section. *yay me*
Dallas: what's the name of the Cher show? I am not that young, but I really don't recall that one.
Pics? Oh lordie. I just don't know about that. I might lose some of you forever. I'm think'n the Chuck mug is a better image to carry with you (albeit, if you look, my real foto is in fact in plain sight here...)
*smoochies* to you all for playing. looking forward to next week's game.
You are right--too much fun! Lose readers . . . heck, you may have gained some!
Too funny. Great list.
Happy TT
Hi RH!
my site use the autolink too,
"In other words" for U..
Well I can't even come up with a guess. But, I sure hope you plan to share pictures after all of that.
An anime character? A mob wife? I need to see a photo! :)
I'm thinking Britney?
Mmmm..fish stocking.. I say, Madonna. I'm wrong? Another try then. Mmmm.. I wonder, I wonder. Beats me. I suck at guessing games!
This is a bit frightening...
No idea, my first thought was the singer "Pink" or Gwen Stefani (singer too).
Happy belated TTs
Definitely a hooker, Chuck! I hope I don't insult you, right? :D
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