1. Kentucky Fried Chicken (original recipe)
2. Creamy white chicken gravy with pieces of sausage in it
3. McDonalds Quarter Pounder With Cheese
4. French fries
5. Peanut Buster Parfait
6. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
7. Caramel (or fudge) topping
8. Samoas: Girl Scout cookies
9. Zero candy bar
10. Cheetos
11. Fudge
12. Guys potato chips
13. Pie, pie, pie - any kind practically. Mostly pecan and cherry. Oh, and rhubarb.
I couldn't help myself. Talking about unhealthy things can be freeing to one who has gone w/out eating food for 12 days (I was detoxing). However, friends. Today. I. Eat. Now, tell me your favs?!
Technorati Tags: Thursday Thirteen,

53 peanuts say:
All the salty stuff I can resist. But not the sweets! I have a major sweet tooth. It may help my stress in the middle of it all, but it does nothing for my waist, or hips, or butt!
I love KFC, the gravy, the quarter pounder, french fries, reeses peanut butter cups, caramel or fudge topping, cheetos, fudge, potato chips and pie. I guess we are liking the same food. My favorite food is pasta. Pasta, pasta and pasta. Have a great TT pal. :)
I use to have a bad sweet tooth too; detox has gotten rid of that.
Sandee - me toooooooo! Pasta is one I didn't mention with cheese - stuffed shells. Oh. Dear. Me. ...with a glass of red wine. To die for!
I pretty much love all junk food or fast food- I'm not picky about my unhealthy choices ;)
Cherry pie is probably healthier than most of the rest of your list. I'll be baking one in a couple weeks for my husband's birthday. Happy TT.
I totally agree with you on #1 and 5-8. Yum!
Now about those Cheetos...ew!!!! I used to love them, but when I was pregnant with my first I got an aversion to them and still can't stand them to this day. LOL!
I'd have a Snickers bar on my list...mmmmm! Yum!
Hey ... it's only Wednesday so how come you've got your T-13 up already??? You're putting pressure on the rest of us ya know ;--)
I suppose it's okay to type this list as long as you don't eat everything on it. LOL
Hugs and blessings,
I like to have a KFC fix now and again and I love donuts! fun tt Chuck!
Hi Rhonda good list but some of those I can never have again I gotta be good for my health cause i abused it :> Yikes
have a good date and pretty dessert
When I saw the subject of your T13, I decided to eat dinner first. Otherwise, I might make a run to the store and really do some damage.
Some of my favorites are:
Kit Kat bars
Buttered popcorn
French fries (w/ a side of mayo)
Big Macs
I love Big Macs
My characters love Big Macs.
Big Macs
What do you mean, peanut butter cups aren't healthy??? They are VERY healthy, thankyouverymuch. They are the best way to de-stress after a day like today!
Hey, letting you know: your comment didn't show because I've got comment moderation on. I okayed it (of course!) -- we should talk books sometime!
When I lived alone, in my early 20s, i was about half a block away from the local KFC. You wont be surprised to hear that I bought my supper there several nights a week. Back then i didn't know it was bad for me, and I probably wouldn't have cared!
Oh, I love rhubarb pie! And I swear Peanut Butter Cups are the PERFECT PMS food -- salty and chocolatey. Yum. The QP w/cheese is fabulous, too. What a list! (And thanks for visiting my TT)
Reese cups, pie!! Yum, yum...
Can I add those chocolate morsels, right out of the bag, that I was going to use to make cookies? I couldn't help myself.
I like everything except #13..I can do with or without pie. Great list. You totally made me hungry. Happy TT.
Mmm...and Oreos and ice cream...
Great list!
All of it at once would be the ideal buffet.
My mouth is watering as I read this right now. I have not had a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in almost two years! They were my favorite!
Sesame chicken and egg rolls.
Geez, take all the fun out of eating why don't you! LOL I had a guy a work today give me that bigggggggg bacon double cheeseburger sandwhich from Wendy's. WOW - what a huge sandwhich. I saved half for tomorrow!
Horrible, bad, bad, the worst...but oh so good, yummy, delish, the best!
Awwww, Chuck you should have said- "Melanie do not read any further, I know you are trying to diet." Now I must go find a snack.
Hiya Chuck,
I share your taste in junk and also have junk in the trunk to prove it! :)
I'll have one of each please!! Yummy list.
Thats what I had for lunch!! :D
Sausage gravy and Samoas....now I am hungry.
mmmmmm cheetos!!!
my TT is 13 awards for bloggy goodness and guess what? there is a little L O V E waiting for YOU!! come and get it my new bloggy friend!
Arrgh... yum! yum! yum! YUM! :D
Yum. And put that gravy on some nice buttermilk biscuits.
I think I gained 3 pounds just reading this.
So ... I'm back this morning to put my T-13 in your Mr. Linky at 3:51 PST ... created Wordlessly (well come to think of it I muttered under my breath a whole bunch but the post is ‘wordless’) this morning after overcoming some challenges with Picassa (sigh - it's always something) ... so there's no way I'll end up with as many comments as you, but I'm still a happy camper! LOL
FYI -- we're typing our comments today watching your 'casual Friday' guy scratch is butt. Hahaha ... seriously!
Hugs and blessings,
OMG Zero bar!!! Must have one today.
French fries, dilly bars, banana splits, dark chocolate covered nuts, and coffee...my weaknesses!!!
Great TT and of course to wonder why would food be on your mind?
i love kfc and cheetos hahaha and that caramel toping ...hmmm sounds yummy
gheeeh oh no i felt so hungry now
gheeeh chuck its your fault lol just kidding
Now people everywhere are drooling on their computers...
With six out of seven of my pregnancies my major craving was KFC original recipe. 1 breast, 1leg, coleslaw, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a biscuit.
Haven't had that in years and years. And now, because of you, the craving has returned.
I just better not be pregnant.
Hi Chuck...so glad your detox is over! I have to go with KFC, I love, love, love the new sauceless hot wings!
Hi, Chuck! Glad you stopped by and reminded me to check yours out...I meant to, then got distracted. I also realized that I have forgotten to subscribe to you. Already fixed that one...
We have been deleting foods from our diets lately -- I am avoiding like the plague anything with high fructose corn syrup. I am amazed at how many things have that crap in them...the other day my kids and I found a "healthy alternative" that had it.
I have been trying to get my kids to eat less crap. There is no nutritional value in a Cheeto (although they are tasty!!!) I have had some luck with buying them the whole grain and healthier (actually less unhealthy) alternatives...
Like Baked Lays cheddar and sour cream potato chips. I can't eat regular potato chips, because they are too greasy. But I really like the Baked Lays.
And I had a DQ hot fudge sundae recently. So creamy delicious, I don't care how bad it is.
Now that was a really cruel post...to me anyways ;-) Cause now you got me craving all those foods and almost none of them are available in Norway. I miss my american junk food...well we do have mcdonalds, but KFC!!!! Oh I could die for some!! Whenever I am in the US it is on my list of things to get my hands on!!!
Hello there:)...feels like its been a while since I stopped by to see you...feel free to holler at me every now and then, so I remember...lol.
BTW...I am off to raid the fridge...thanks so much:).
OK, I agree...can we say mouth watering? Great list, and I really don't disagree with any of 'em!
Happy TT! Stop by Sassyfrazz if you get a chance!
potato chips and french fries. Yum.
I love it all Chuck! Eat and enjoy! Don't overdo it for a couple of days, though. We don't want you sick!! :D
To answer your band meme question: Of course you may play! I'm looking forward to seeing your CD cover. When you finish it, post it and send it to me. I'll add you to the scroll bar and your creation to my post with the others so that everyone can see. Thanks!
Uh oh. You've done it now. I just might tag you in the future! NOooooo pressure.
(You did the Message in A Bottle meme? Right?)
Have a great day!
P.S. Do you know about the dungeon at Bloggingham Palace? Just sayin.....
I need a McDonalds double cheesburger right NOW! Aaargh! ;-)
Thanks for visiting my inspiring people TT.
Like one of your other readers, I'm into salty crunchy. I let myself have one evening--then back to the veggies and fruit.
If it involves chocolate and peanut butter I am there !
Happy TT
cheesecake and ice cream. Doesn't matter how bad they are, one must have some every now and again. Just the necessities. :)
Happy TT
French fries and anything chocolate! All things in moderation, however! Have a great evening.
Yes, we're in Flag. Are you in desert?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PIG OUT TIME!!!! Those cheetos especially. Yummy.
I finally got to have a chance to visit ...there was a huge storm mass over us yesterday and the computer was down.
Cheese and caramel, and I'm set. I didn't NEED 13 vices, just the two will keep me in trouble for years! :-)
OMG! I love Samoas! :P
Happy TT! Mine is here: http://blog.mysocalledsite.com/?p=277
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