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Since October 2007

Feb 29, 2008

In Honor of Elvis Presley

- Because I was born on the same day;
- Because my twin's first born was born on the day of his death;
- Because some of his favorite foods included crisp bacon and mashed potatoes and brown gravy.
- Because...I'm. Hungry.
...9 days down, 1 more to go (of my fast -- the Master Cleanser. Focus, Chuck, focus.)

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Feb 28, 2008

Day 8. Feel'n Gr8 - No Food. (scroll down for TT)

- Day 6 (with no food on The Master Cleanser), was the hardest for me, but it's over. Moving on.

- Day 7, I finally lost the desire to eat, cravings for everything junk subsided, and I had all my energy back (from the previous oopsie of too little maple syrup). I even had a super duper workout *yippee*

- Day 8, seriously feeling marvie. It really is key to prepare your mind, body, soul and spirit for this challenge. Sitting in front of the TV all day watching commercials that advertise crap food all day long is not a good idea. Nor is it a good idea to have your significant other hanging out in the kitchen cooking aromatic delights such as bacon and eggs while you drink your meal. The smell alone will send you into a slight state of homicidal madness irritability.

The only weirdness lurking is some joint pain in one knee (which never hurt before), which is normal with the detox and has already disappeared. I Also had a pain in my side (no joints there I don't think) where I cracked a rib years ago (from coughing). I know. I'm an odd duck.

Overall, my state of being is overwhelmingly peaceful and at ease. The desires to slit my next-door neighbor's tires have flown away. My body is getting back into shape and losing 11 pounds of water weight has been fantastico (yep, that's right). Good-bye Michelin Woman. (It is common to lose up to 20 lbs. if your body needs the loss.)

Go here to see the entire process (including benefits and vitamin-mineral content) on one page.

That's all.

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Feb 27, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #12 (scroll down for WW)

Thirteen Books I'm Reading

(They make me feel so warm and fuzzy, I have to be surrounded by them...I know. Geek.)

1. Pride and Prejudice (inspiration provided byAlison)
2. Ageless, Suzanne Somers (my friend, Alisa's idea)
3. The Broker, John Grisham
4. The Secret, Rhonda Byrne (thx, sweetie for the Christmas gift!)
5. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott (one of my favs of all time)
6. American Sign Language, Elaine Costello
7. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
8. Sister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser (read in college)
9. You Can Heal Your life, Louise L. Hay
10. Radical Forgiveness, Colin C. Tipping
11. A Walk to Remember, Nicholas Sparks
12. The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls (recommended by my foster parent)
13. NIV Women's Devotional Bible

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Quirky and Middle Name Memes

Melanie tagged me 2 weeks ago - again, so sorry, friend -- to do the meme about 6 unimportant or quirky things about me. Tag some people then come back and let me know you've played....I too have done this before, but look at me go! I'm all about being quirky.

1) I must see my show (Y&R) every day or I get kinda weird;
2) Though I come from the multitasking corporate world, I can't do more than one thing in a day at home w/out getting stressed;
3) I sniff crayons;
4) I sometimes detox without eating for 10 days;
5) I smell the inside of books; and,
6) For 32 yrs., I've eaten the skin from the inside of my mouth.

I tag: Storyteller, Gnat and Verb.

* * * *
Middle Name Meme

Melanie also tagged me to play this one.

(1) You must post the rules on your post before you answer the questions.
(2) You need to list one fact about yourself using each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name use your maiden name instead.
(3) When you are finished with your answers, you tag one person for each letter of your name.

B - I have a Bald head.
R - I like to watch the little, Red-haired girl come out of her house.
O - I only dread One day at a time
W - I believe it's the secret to life: replace one Worry with another...
N - Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.

I tag: anybody who feels like playing, simply because I've already tagged so many of you. Maybe if you don't have one yet for Meme Monday, this would be a good one to steel. Enjoy, peanuts!

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Feb 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #18 (Tuesday Edition)

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Book Meme

I got tagged for a book meme by Julie at Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer. Thanks, Julie. I love books, so I'm thrilled you asked me to join in. *jumping up and down* Here're the rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag some people & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.

"I had tried hard at it, but had made nothing of it. Thus it was: Again and again and again, my sister had traced upon the slate, a character that looked like a curious T, and then with the utmost eagerness had called our attention to it as something she particularly wanted. I had in vain tried everything producible that began with a T, from tar to toast and tub."

I tag: Mama Bear, Cricket's Hearth, Alf, and Cindy. You wanna play? Play.

p.s. can you tell me what book this is from?

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Feb 25, 2008

Meme Monday and Awards Too #4

Melanie started this Meme Monday, and I can't believe how far behind I am. Apologies to you and to those of you who are waiting for me to play along. I'm such a loser. Hanna, I'm so sorry for the delay, and I appreciate you sending me such thoughtful, warm words (2 1/2 weeks ago *yipes*). As some of you know, I'm a huge believer in friends - Remember, I'm "Friend Mischief," the Snapdragon.

- Start copy here -

"Your friend is your need answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him wim your hunger,
and you seek him for peace.
When your friend speaks his mind you fear not me "nay" in­
your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay".
And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart;
For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires,
all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed.
When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
For that which you love most in him may be clearer in hisabsence,
as the mountain to the climber is clearer from me plain.
And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of his own mystery is not love
but a net cast forth: and only yhe unprofitable is caught.
And let your best be for your friend.
lf he must know the ebb of your tide,
let him know the flood also.
For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?
Seek him always with hours te live.
For it is his te fill your need, but not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter,
and sharing of pleasures.
Far in the dew of little things the heart finds its moming and is refreshed.
"- Walt Whitman - LEAVES OFF GRASS

-end copy here-

I tag: Sandee, Jenn, Blue Dreamer, Bonnie, Jenn, Julie, June Cleaver, Mary, Pam, Alison, Grams, Gratitude Journal, Colin, Ornery's Wife, Roger, Sandy, Claudia, April. (Bonnie. I can't get your link to come up. Give it to me, so I can add it! *ugh*)

* * * * *

In keeping with the theme, Blue Dreamer said, "you light up my world, so thank you so much." Isn't he adorable?! Thank you very much - I am honored. Here's the award:

I pass these on to the same group of bloggy friends that are listed above Sandee, Jenn, Blue Dreamer, Bonnie, Jenn, Julie, June Cleaver, Mary, Pam, Alison, Grams, Gratitude Journal, Colin, Ornery's Wife, Roger, Sandy, Claudia, April, MamaGeek -- thank you for visiting me practically every day. Not only do I feel little warm and fuzzies when I visit you, you all make me feel so special *smackeroos*

More memes to follow soon (from Feb. 9 on *egads*)...

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Desk Top Meme (Scroll down for Meme Monday)

I really do like to play these games, and I'm sorry I'm so late. I thought I would play along with Melanie on Mondays and then just like that, they piled up so high, I'm finding myself playing catch-up. I'll get it right. Just love me for who I am.

The Teach tagged me for this one. Thanks for thinking of me! I love that about you *huggies*

Here´s how to play:

- Capture a picture of your computer’s desktop.
- Post it on your blog along with a link to who tagged you.
- Tag some people.

I tag everyone in my buddy blogroll. If you're not there, and you like games, you play. *bear hugs* If you want to be added to my blogroll, plz lemmeno.


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Little Oopsie At Day 5 - No Food.

<--- Chuck, is that you?

As you regular readers know, I've been doing The Master Cleanser. Suggestion for this post is don't scrimp on the carbs! See, I've trained myself to stay away from sugar. FYI: carbs break down into sugar. In other words, I put about 1/2 of what the recipe called for of maple syrup, and this a.m. I had no energy. I could hardly walk up the stairs. ...must've been in a stupid stooper *knocking myself in the head* Don't let this scare you away, friends and family! I believe everybody should try it. It's amazing what's happening overall. I'm more peaceful, calm, and I have no stress, just to name a few. Just learn from my mistake. Simple enough. Now move on already.

Bonus: Removal of cravings and toxins are the biggest reasons I chose to to this; but, I've lost a lot of water weight! Day 5 and NINE lbs. *jumping for joy* I was a big, bloat ball! Everything I ate was causing me to expand. I thought I was getting fat, but I've never been overweight or really had fat on my body before.

Go here and here to see days 3 and 4 (if you care). (p.s. I've had a glass of lemonade this morning, and I already feel super duper!!)


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Feb 24, 2008

Let's Go For a Ride!

Funny...they're dead on, as I use to own a CLK 430 (see below - kinda funny, I'd say). Anyhoo, hoo cares. Pam at Random Thoughts played, so I had to as well. Thanks for the fun post, Pam. I get a kick out of these goofy games.

I'm a Mercedes SLK!

You appreciate the finer things in life. You have a split personality - wild or conservative, depending on your mood. Wherever you go, you like to travel first class. Luxury, style, and fun - who could ask for more?

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Haha - here's mine! See tag? "Hurbenz"

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Day 4. 6 More.

The Master Cleanser is for those who believe in the body's natural ability to heal itself. I'm on day 4 of 10 drinking nothing but lemonade (fresh water, organic lemons, organic, grade-A, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper). The ingredients provide enough nutrients for the body to stay healthy for up to 40 days (though 10 days is standard) and will remove unwanted toxins healing the body naturally.

The "diet" focuses on curing acute and chronic conditions, cleansing the digestive system, creating better assimilation and building of body tissue, fighting off fatigue, losing weight, and freeing oneself of cravings.

Off to do some yoga. More tomorrow *kissies*

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Feb 23, 2008

Certifiable...Day 3. No Food.

Doing something cuuuuurrrrazy - me and the lemons are do'n the detox dance. This isn't really something most would do or understand. Course. That's what I'm all about. Learned about The Master Cleanser at my health food store last year. Second time to give'r a go. Shant elaborate too much 'cause I expect many of you will say I've lost my head... Fine. So, you got me. You're right. That's why I'm doing it. That's why you haven't heard from me.

After a few months, I get emotionally, spiritually, and physically bogged down -- from the environment, things I consume, etc. Stress alone can do horrific things to the soul, and for me, I'm like a magnet. My radar detects it automatically and just like that, it leaches on and pulls me apart. So, after focusing on everyone/thing else, I'm focusing on me.

Be back again soon *huggies*

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Feb 19, 2008

This and That

Helping mom. Helping dad. Helping a friend. House stuff too (e.g., taking down the Christmas tree, and other odds & ends) ... if humble abode doesn't burn down b4 I get to it. What. You haven't ever left your gas grill on for 6 days straight or left a candle burning for 12 hours? Mmmm Hmmm. Sure ya haven't.

Back soon *smoochies*

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Feb 15, 2008

Was It Good For You? It Was Good For Me!

Thoughtful plush pal = $2.99
Spectacular silver jewelry = $50
Dinner at snazzy restaurant after getting last-minute reservations = $150
Flying home unexpectedly on Valentine's Day to spend it with me = priceless

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Feb 14, 2008

It's All Good. Trust Me.

Jerry Waxler, M.S., counselor, teacher, author, columnist, makes a very good point in his post, Memoir Writing Lessons From the Heart, "I love character development in a book. By the time I reach the end I’m hoping some lesson has been learned. Because this is such a satisfying payoff for me, as soon as I recognize the character flaw I start anticipating how the person will grow." Hence, the purpose in writing mine.

I want to make a difference in others' worlds who share (or are simply interested) in my pain....because entering the system (becoming a ward of the state) doesn't have to mean the end. So many years ago, life became bleak. First, this was 25+ years ago and second, I don't want to lead the reader into a hole of nothingness. What good writer would. I want to show my audience from whence I came and plunk him/her down at the foot of the rainbow in the end. This, I believe is a place anybody can land if they choose.

Many factors take me from one beginning to a particular end -- where I am now. But, mostly it is the choices I have made --- coupled with my past --- that have molded me into who I am.

It's all good. Trust me...and allow me to take you there.

Gotta go. Need need to get more of it down onto the pages. Must run. Much love.

Happy St. Valentine's Day, all.

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Feb 13, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #11

Thirteen Topics in My Memoir That Cause Me To Consume Excessive Amounts of Alcohol While I Type Down My Life Story

1. Neglect
2. Incest
3. Attempted Murder
4. Rape
5. Mugging
6. Alcoholism
7. Abuse
8. Excessive Religion
9. Depression
10. Anxiety
11. Repression
12. Mental Illness
13. Abortion

I know it's Valentine's Day. I didn't mean to depress you. But, while you're here, does this lure you in? Seriously. I'm curious. OR give me a better word than depressed. Like Ooooh. Or something.

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