I was tagged by Melanie @ Livin' With Me and Mama Pajama for an easy meme called Linky Love. Yes, both -- one day apart, so I put them together. I'm sure I completely botched it up, but oh well. What is a girl to do.
*Start Copying Here*
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged, and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!) It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community- Make new friends!
Now, add/tag 5 of your friends blogs…
The Strategist Notebook Link Addiction Ardor of the Hearts When Life Becomes a Book The Malaysian Life Yogatta Dot com What Goes Under the Sun Roshidian's Cyber Station Sasha Says Arts of Physics And the Legend Lives My View, My Life! A Simple Life What Women Really Think Not Much More Than This Life in the Lost World True Tales of a Mini Van Momma "Life" Is a Noun Christie Silvers Marla's Fun Stuff My Pretty Face Simone's Butterfly Just a Flip Flop Mom Katrina Gill's Jottings Work of the Poet Wakela Modern Goddess Livin' With Me A Simple Life Verb Random Thoughts Two Regina's Family Are We There Yet Beth and Cory's Mom A Mind Forever My Mind Keeps Me Sane Comedy + Becca Barb Life is Just Ducky Mama Pajama I'm Running to Win Two Nap Warden Working at Home Mom The Litterbox Secret Agent Mama Idaho Daily Photo You are next...
*Stop copying here*
My tags are the last 5 blogs listed!
*thx, as always, Hootin' Anni for the adorable tag she made for me (above)!
Technorati Tags: Tag You’re It, Technorati,

9 peanuts say:
Yep, this is some great link love. Have a great afternoon. :)
First off I didn't know you had a Nikon D80 and that your technorati ranking is now 9080949320840328403284032432.
huh. now *this* is an interesting idea.
Thank you Rhonda I will get on it this weekend Sunday afternoon! Have a great weekend!!
Very well done greasshopper. Oh, I warned you....You've been tagged. You don't have to participate if you don't want to.
Big Bang - World Record and,
Link Love Tag
Hi Rhonda,
Many thanks for your visit to my humble blog...I thought I would repay your kindness :)
Nice blog you have and I will be happy to blogroll you too, just let me know what anchor text you would prefer adn I will add it :)
Link Love works wonders....I have done 2 mass link love extreme posts, against all of what google has to say, but I kept my PR LOL...if I lose it I lose it....readers are more important then google as they can read. and comment :)
Have a wonderful weekend,
Well, gee, Rhonda, I just jumped in to tell you I have bling and a MeMe for you on my blog! Hop on over and pick it up!!
I am honored to be so tagged but I don't know what to do with it. The problem may be in my hard drive partitioning because I keep getting the "virtual memory is full" whenever I try to copy and paste all those links.
Not sure what the linky love will do, especially since cotojo tried to tag me as a "schmoe" on my mybloglog page.
I'm still trying to figure out the "bling" thing, Rhonda. Gimme a clue, willya?
crap I cant copy those links for some reason I try a few things but must be doing it wrong.
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