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Since October 2007

Dec 31, 2007

Healthy New Year to Ya!

Anybody feeling chubby and a little dumpy? Yep, me too. It's that time of year when most of us have consumed a bit too much egg nog and fudge.

This is one of the reasons why one of my hobbies is researching health. I found a site called Healthy Self Tips to improve your health and well-being. Nice site. He talks about the importance of organics and focuses on greens that contain nutrients necessary for a healthy body. Kale, which is a lot like spinach, is one of those veggies that doesn't always taste that great, especially if you don't cook it properly. But, it's full of Vitamins A, C and K and reduces the risk of several kinds of Cancer! Anyhoo, I got this tip which I want to share:

Chop up 1 cup of Kale, very fine. Place it in the blender with 2 bananas and 1 cup of water. Mix well and drink it down.

Let me know what you think and have a healthy and prosperous new year!

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