I haven't been blogging long, so when I get awards, such as this one

(Note: some day, I'll be as hip as Comedy + and be able to put these lists in a pretty scrolling box. Until then, this is what I've got.)
Now, here's the deal. If you don't like bling, you're not obligated to post them on your blog. Also, if you already have one, clearly, you don't have to take it and post it again. Finally, Sauerkraut, Roger, and Poor Mouth, you certainly don't have to take them if you feel their not your style. I'll just have to come up with another to pass on to you.
p.s. If you would like to be added to my blogroll, please let me know, and I'll add you -- if you're listed above, you're already there. [I've met so many new people, I want to add everybody...just feel I should get permission!] You will get a free gift upon doing so (the buttons above, of course)!
Sending good karma your way all week. Cheers.

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28 peanuts say:
Yippee for bling!! Thank you so very much Rhonda. Your thoughtful gift really keeps me blogging and writing. They mean a lot to me.
Thank you.
PS. I'd love to join your blog roll - I'll add you in return! :)
You're the sweetest! Thanks much!
Yay for bling! Thanks very much, I shall put them on my blog as soon as I can.
Bling is good...I am having an I'm not good enough day:( Thanks for a little cheer:)
Awww- thanks so much for thinking of me! I love to get awards ;)
Oh, gosh, I just love them. Thanks so much for the love and the buttons. Oh! The BUTTONS!
Thank you, my new friend! I will post them soon!
Thanks for the luv Rhonda.
I've added you to my still puny blogroll, and I will be adding you to my reader!
I would be very happy to be added to yours, and I would love some bling.
Thank you thank you!! You seem so wonderful, you deserved those little buttons for sure!! I will be sure to post them up on my page, and also I would love to be a part of your blog-roll.....I'm going to add you to the list of my 'royal readings' too! Hope you don't mind!
Thanks again!
Aww, thanks! i feel like a warm fuzzy all over!
Bless your heart!! Thank you-thank-you, it's a huggy feeling to be chosen. Glad you enjoyed re-reading the MLK speech. I know I always do.
Thanks again!!
Thank you Rhonda, Your kindness is very much appreciated. Blessings on you...
Thank you for the award Rhonda! I feel so honored!
Wow, Rhonda. I'm really flattered and touched by your kindness. Thank you so much. I will post, but need to figure out the buttons first. Really, I do:)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. How sweet and I have no idea how I missed this. I'm going to send you the code for the scroll box so we can both be hip. Bwahahahah. Big hug. :)
Well, I will send it if you send me your email address. Blogspot won't let you do code in their posts. Here's my address:
Please label your post so I know it's you. I don't want you to be deleted from the spam filter. Cheers... :)
Isn't Sandee the coolest person alive!! Thank you so much Rhonda!!I just met you and I can't wait to get to know you better. Thanks for letting me know about reading my text I learned how to use a code to keep the background behind the text white ,so thats the end of that problem lol! Thanks again!!
2 pieces of bling at once!? I don't know what to do with myself! ;-)
Thanks so much, Rhonda!
I'm going to slap them up on my "shinies" tab right away, next to the other bling you so kindly gave me. :-D
Well thank you very very much! :) I'll post them soon. I added an award section at the bottom of my blog that I finally starting filling. :) They'll go perfectly.
Thank you so much. I needed that!!
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Thank you so much Rhonda..I love bling! I feel the good Karma too, Thanks!..((((HUGS))))
Thank you so much for having me, Rhonda! Yes, I would like to be added to your blog roll! :-)
You told me to stop by but I did not see my name. Id love to be added to your blog roll though:) Have a great day and thanks for stopping by:)
Awww.. .thanks so much! I did want to mention that the link to my blog is going to someone else's blog though, lol!!! :)
Awards post is up. I also added you to my buddy list and my Google reader. You will also find yourself being tagged alot because you are in my scroll box tag list. Watch out my friend. Bwahahahah. Here's the link:
Awards from Rhonda, Jackie and Colin
Aw shucks... so, what does a bad-tempered cat with an equally bad haircut do with bling?
Once upon a time, I had a blogroll. It got out of hand.
Once upon a time, I did memes. Those got out of hand.
So now, on principal, I don't really do either, especially if they are long. Doesn't mean anything, really, except that I am 1) cantankerous 2) irascible 3) crotchety.
Well, maybe not 3) 'cuz I think a person has to be old to be crotchety and I am not there yet.
But thanks 8-)
I'm still thinking on the meme and what to do with it. Maybe I'll turn it into a "5 things about you that would surprise people." We have two things in common, btw.
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